Data Management Plans

Data management plans (DMPs) are guidelines which are intended to help researchers to deal with data adequately and to enable a subsequent use, furthermore, they also prevent a possible loss of data. Through targeted questions, consideration is given to responsibilities, the handling of financial and human resources, with legal questions, questions about metadata and formats, etc., and more clarity in the handling of data.

The goal is to make data long-term, comprehensible and adaptable. The careful planning of a project brings a number of advantages: cost transparency from the outset, as well as the best use of know-how, infrastructure and services. DMP also promote an understanding of their own work processes in the implementation of projects. (In this sense, they also help to make effective use of one of our most important resources, namely "time".)

We provide you with guidelines for data management plans for the University of Vienna in English and German, which are based on the work of the project "e-infrastructure austria". The contents are adapted to Horizon2020 projects. DMPs do not only have advantages for the project management, they are also important for the following stakeholders: the project applicant, the repository management, the institution, the sponsor and the policy-makers. For this reason, DMPs can vary in their specific form, depending on the context in which they are generated. In this guide, we mainly address the following user groups: project applicants, research services, repository management to libraries and project management. Thus, during the creation of a DMP, the most important phases of implementation and associated work processes become visible.




DMP Tools/Assistance to DMP creation

Amnesia - Anonymization of research data (OpenAIRE)

DMPTool University of California Curation Center of the California Digital Library

DMP Online Digital Curation Centre (DCC)

Portage DMP Assistant creation of a DMP for the Canadian research landscape


DMP Examples

DMP Examples (of CORDIS / European Commission), 2021, collection of over 800 completed DMPs from approved EU projects


DMP Templates

Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020

Data Management template FWF and more information

Data Management Plan for projects at the University of Vienna

Horizon 2020 FAIR Data Management Plan (DMP) Template

Data Management Plan Catalogue von LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries)

DMP Writing Instructions from different Institutions

ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)

MIT Libraries

Oregon State University


More resources

Napieralski, Antoni (2020): Data Protection Law 1 (Universität Wien, Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht), Video 13 Min.
Napieralski, Antoni (2020): Data Protection Law 2 (Universität Wien, Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht), Video 14 Min.

Michener, William K. (2015): Ten Simple Rules for Creating a Good Data Management Plan. PLOS Computational Biology, 22nd Oktober.