Increasingly, digital data from research and teaching is being stored in a longer structured way and made available in the long term - PHAIDRA, the repository of the University of Vienna, is a safe place for this.
This online-workshop offers an introduction to the practical work with PHAIDRA, and gives instructions on how to upload research data (image, text, audio, video, etc.) and store it with a persistent link and metadata.
It also shows how to build collections, license them and manage the objects in different ways.
Learn to work with the diverse options of PHAIDRA.
Training: Mag. Dr. Susanne Blumesberger MSc, Mag. Sonja Edler MSc
Registration: Kursdatenbank der Universität Wien (with LogIn)
Practical Introduction to the Repository PHAIDRA
09.05.2023 10:00 - 13:00